26 September, 2011

A long hard day...

Day before yesterday was the Rio Abajo Day festival. Basically, a celebration of the coming of Autumn. I wish I could have enjoyed a bit of the festivities, but it was just as interesting taking part in it. Shared a 10x10 foot space with my mother so we could take a go at selling the jewellery and things we've been making. Setup started at 7am, and we arrived about 15 past.

Full set up time from start to finish, getting the canopy up, tables up and all the stuff set up.. we were done just before the festival was set to begin. Took around 2.5 hours.

We had a lot of lookers and admirers throughout the day, many I believe would have bought more had it not been the end of the month in a small town. But we made a fair bit out of the deal, at least enough to make up for the effort we put in. It was worth it, all in all.

There was a couple at an info booth next to us all day who kept chatting with us and bought some stuff from me. The woman got two pairs of my origami crane earrings, red and blue, and wore one of each for the rest of the day to go with her red and blue shirt. It was so amusing when I suggested the idea to her and she actually did it. The man, when he saw the yin-yang cellphone charms I had, said he had been looking for a yin-yang necklace for years and was surprised how few people even knew what a yin yang even was these days. I told him I'd make him a necklace, which I proceeded to drop what I was doing and make. He was so close to tears when he put on the finished necklace. I do believe Eternal Dreamer made at least one persons dreams come true. ^^

22 September, 2011

Dream Catchers~

Got a lot in the works for the festival I'm attending in two days now. This Saturday. Dream catchers being one focal point.

Here's a little sample of what's been going on, and what's to come to the etsy shop in the future. ^^

Yes, this one is a cellphone charm. about 2cm across.
Made with beading thread and tiny peacock feather bits.

This is the newest, a lovely 9in x 25in. Real Suede, waxed cotton sinew cord,
light tigers eye and hematite. Large feathers and silver plated pony beads.

19 August, 2011

Eternal Dreamer has been very busy...

I've got a local show coming up at the end of next month, so I've been very busy. But I haven't forgotten the shop- I finally have some new stuff online that's been either sitting for a while or just been made!

A slew of new items just got listed on Etsy, including cellphone charms, bracelets, and brand new Sakura (cherry blossom) earrings!

Check the shop for the new listings. ♥

15 July, 2011

At long last, Eternal Dreamer is back to work!

It's been what, two months now since I've had any news or new items to show? Life has been busy, but I'm still alive and just as creative as ever!

I have two lovely new earring and necklace sets with a steampunk and industrial appeal. Brass and Copper all the way! Check them out on Etsy and don't forget to leave ♥'s if you like! ^^

12 April, 2011

Like never seen before!

I am slowly taking new pictures of my items, and have updated the main images of some of them. This is the beginning of a bit of a makeover I plan on doing as light and weather permit.

Detail shots will be a focus as well as more creative backdrops and location shots. Many many thanks go out to Manifsted Dreams for allowing me to borrow a most amazing camera. :3

04 April, 2011

The Treasures of the Fair Folk, a new dream catcher

Though I've only now made two, I happen to very much love making dream catchers. The concept, the history, and the style is simply beautiful... though I admit, my own creations take a bit of a twist, literally, in this case.

This is not your standard dream catcher. Adorned with strange yet beautiful items, this not only promotes pleasant dreams, but is inspired by the Folk, Fae, and Pixies.

To view more images and see the full product description, drop by the Eternal Dreamer shop over at Etsy, or go directly to the listing.

01 April, 2011

A new way to keep up with Eternal Dreamer

I have finally created a blog for my Etsy shop, Eternal Dreamer.
I will post here from time to time about new items, treasuries, plans, updates and information on my shop. Perhaps about other related things as well.

To start off, feel free to bookmark any of these following links.

Eternal Dreamer's Shop on Etsy
Eternal Dreamer on Facebook
Eternal Dreamer on Twitter